Publications & Resources Podcasts and Conference videos Conference videos Publications & Resources Annual reports & strategic plans Quality improvement projects Major trauma rehabilitation project Whānau Māori experiences of major trauma Serious traumatic brain injury (sTBI) project National critical haemorrhage project Trauma patient reported outcomes Trauma resources Out-of-hospital Traumatic Brain Injury Toolkit Trauma Nursing Framework Clinical guidelines Other publications Podcasts and Conference videos Audio interviews Conference videos Conference videos Important disclaimer: These video presentations below are aimed at clinicians caring for injured patients and may contain graphic clinical content which may offend some viewers.The views and opinions expressed in these presentations are those of the presenter, and does not necessarily suggest endorsement or support by the National Trauma Network. Starship paediatric trauma evening 2023 Paediatric spinal injuries Talk on Paediatric spinal injuries by Mr.Haemish Crawford, Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon at Starship Children's Hospital, Auckland New Zealand Paediatric liver trauma Talk on Paediatric liver trauma: Acute right hepatectomy by Clare Hollewand, at Starship Children's Hospital, Auckland New Zealand. Paediatric lap belt injuries of the abdominal aorta Talk on Paediatric lap belt injuries of the abdominal aorta by Dhru Ramson at Starship Children's Hospital, Auckland New Zealand. Pipeline for a clinical prediction model supporting the recovery of injured children post-discharge Talk on Pipeline for a clinical prediction model supporting the recovery of injured children post-discharge by Shanthi Ameratunga at Starship Children's Hospital, Auckland New Zealand Fast and focused ultrasound in paediatric trauma Talk on Fast and focused ultrasound in paediatric trauma by Kylie Salt at Starship Children's Hospital, Auckland New Zealand. 2022 Cast Related Pressure Injury Orthopaedic Nurse Specialist, Briege McAteer, presents a quality improvement initiative funded by ACC looking at reducing pressure areas associated with plaster casts. Trauma informed care in paediatric patients Lynette talks on the issue of trauma informed care in paediatric patients. Spleen Injuries Dr Mason presents her findings a retrospective audit looking at how splenic trauma is managed between 2 hospitals within the same district health board. Long term outcomes of paediatric trauma patients. Elaijah and his supervisor Dr Shanthi Ameratunga talk on Ejaijah and Hemi’s summer project looking at literature on the long term outcomes of paediatric trauma patients. Pre-hospital drowning response To commence our multidisciplinary rolling case presentation Abbey and Krystelle present the prehospital component of a paediatric drowning case. Emergency department management of drowning Anna Marie Grace presents on the Emergency Department component of the case presentation. PICU management of severe drowning Dr Nuthall continues the case presentation discussing the intensive care management of a drowning patient. Psychological impact of drowning Kathy Bublitz was the social worker involved in the case and talks on the psychological aspects of the case presentation. Drowning myths and realities Dr Payinda presents on the pathophysiology of drowning and discusses the facts and myths associated with drowning. Māori experiences of rehabilitation from major trauma 2021 Dog bites in children Complex Paediatric Trauma - Panel Discussion Long-term outcomes of paediatric trauma By Prof Shanthi Ameratunga Paediatric pain management in the trauma setting By Jane Thomas Safekids Home Safety Program Predictors of child injury By Bridget Kool Burns and scalds update By Sharon Cassidy 2020 Reduction of childhood trauma during the COVID‐19 Level 4 lockdown in New Zealand Mr James Hamil, Paediatric Surgeon, Starship Child Health Developing water competence in children – do big people know best? Teresa Stanley, Research & Development, Drowning Prevention Auckland Emergency Management of Severe Head Trauma Dr Jonathan McMillan, Paediatric Emergency Medicine Specialist, Starship Paediatric Emergency Department Neurosurgical management of Penetrating Head Injury Mr Peter Heppner, Consultant Neurosurgeon Supporting parents & families in the early stages following childhood TBI - What's Important? Sanchia Logie, Clinical Psychologist, Paediatric Rehabilitation Team PREDICTS Australian and New Zealand Guideline for Mild to Moderate Head Injuries in Children Professor Stuart Dalziel, Cure Kids Chair or Child Health Research 2019 Seminars with Professor Karim Brohi Working with chaos in mass casualty events Professor Karim Brohi, Clinical Director, The London Major Trauma System and Professor of Trauma Sciences at Barts and The Royal London Hospital Panel Session Panelist: Professor Karim Brohi, Hon Lianne Dalziel, Mr Chris Wakeman, Norma Lane and David Meates. Chaired by Professor Ian Civil. Northern Region Trauma Network Education Starship Burn Care Update Mr Richard Wong She, The National Burn Centre, Middlemore Hospital The National Child Protection Alert System Dr Carmen Basu, Starship Children's Hospital Paediatric Spinal Injuries Mr Haemish Crawford, Paediatric Orthopaedics, Starship Children's Hospital Quad Bike Related Injuries Dr Erika Fernandes Nurse-led Trauma Tertiary Survey Matt Sawyer, Starship Children's Hospital Paediatric Trauma Case Presentation Dr Susie Cunningham, Paediatric EM specialist, Starship Children's Hospital Massive Transfusion in Paediatrics Ms Soyoung Choi-Maxwell, Transfusion nurse specialist, NZ Blood 2018 Middlemore Hospital Spinal Cord Impairment Service Mr Alpesh Patel, Spinal Surgeon, Counties Manukau Health Major Burn Injuries Mr Richard Wong She, The National Burn Centre, Middlemore Hospital Acute Stress Reactions Dr Paul Vroegop, Paediatric Consult Liaison Psychiatrist & Pain Specialist, Counties Manukau Health St John Helping the Helpers Ari Peach, Paramedicine, AUT Trauma and Resilience Adele Saunders, Psychologist, St John Health Safety & Wellbeing Ambulance Clinical Procedures & Guidelines in Trauma Dan Ohs, Intensive Care Paramedic, St John Preventability of Pre-hospital Injury Deaths in New Zealand Bridget Kool, Associate Professor University of Auckland Out-of-hospital Trauma Dr Tony Smith, Medical Director St John Starship Children's Hospital Baby Steps become Giant Leaps Professor Ian Civil, National Clinical Lead for National Trauma Network Paediatric Head Injury Dr Stuart Dalziel, Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Starship Children's Hospital Abusive Head Trauma Dr David Perry, Consultant Radiologist, Starship Children's Hospital Double Button Battery Ingestion- The Macaroon Sign Dr Emma Littlehales, Surgical Registrar, Middlemore Hospital Button Battery Injuries Dr Nikki Mills, Paediatric ENT Surgeon, Starship Children's Hospital Major Trauma Case Review Dr Brent McSharry, Intensivist Paediatric Care Unit, Starship Children's Hospital Paediatric Trauma Trivia Dr Aidan Bannon and Mr Matt Sawyer, Starship Children's Hospital 2017 Whangarei Hospital Major Trauma Network Siobhan Isles, National Programme Manager, National Trauma Network Recent Trauma Literature Dr Scott Cameron, Emergency Physician, Whangarei Hospital Trauma Data: What do we collect? Olivia Mitten and Chris Harmston, Whangarei Hospital Trauma in Provincial New Zealand Dr Mark Sanders, General Surgeon, Whangarei Hospital 2016 Middlemore Hospital Reversal of Novel Anticoagulants and Balanced Transfusion Dr Rajeev Rajagopal, Haematologist, Middlemore Hospital 2015 ILCOR Resuscitation guidelines for traumatic arrest Dr Andrew Brainard, Emergency Medicine, Middlemore Hospital Blunt Viscus Injury Dr Chris Harmston, General Surgeon, Whangarei Hospital Transfer guidelines and improving the prehospital to hospital transition Dr Tony Smith, Medical Director, St John Trauma in Pregnancy Dr Sylvia Boys, Emergency Physician, Middlemore Hospital Major Burns and the Role of the National Burn Centre Dr Richard Wong She, The National Burn Centre, Middlemore Hospital Concussion 101 Kevin Henshall, Intensivist, Middlemore Hospital Radiology Trauma Quiz Simran Singh, Radiologist, MIddlemore Hospital Home search About Us Our History Our Vision Our People Regional Trauma Networks Publications & Resources Annual reports and plans Quality improvement projects Major trauma rehabilitation project Whānau Māori experiences of major trauma Serious traumatic brain injury (sTBI) project National critical haemorrhage project Trauma patient reported outcomes Trauma resources Out-of-hospital Traumatic Brain Injury T Trauma Nursing Framework Clinical guidelines Other publications Podcasts and Conference videos Audio interviews Conference videos Research Trauma Registry National Minimum Data Set for trauma Governance and access to registry data Information for patients News & Events News Community stories Communique Conferences Training & education Trauma Team Training Log in